Planned Work – 9/2/2018 10PM

We have noticed a small issue on a switch port connected to some leased lines. The issue is not currently service affecting – and needs a simple one line config change to resolve.

As there is a very small risk to a few seconds of packet loss during the change this will be performed tonight

Only leased lines connected to a single bearer in Telehouse North will be affected and we don’t expect more than a few seconds of packet loss during the change

Any questions or issues please contact support via the normal means

PLANNED WORK: Core switch upgrades.

Following the rapid growth on the Merula network we have been planning a major upgrade to our core switching platform to Juniper devices.  These will allow us to dramatically increase the capacity between sites and add further stability to our network.  Over the coming week, work will take place to introduce them into our network.
This will in due course lead to some limited downtime as links are migrated. We will update here with specific slots for this but wanted to provide some initial details for this work.
Any initial questions, please email support via the normal means.


Further to the outage yesterday and the corrective work by the carrier we will attempt to bring the link that failed back into service this evening. If all works to plan there may be a brief network disruption while the network reconverges. If the link fails again we will remove it from the network and continue work with our supplier.

The link was brought on line approx 12:30am this morning – However the previous issue re-occurred. This has been raised to the supplier who believe this is resolved this correctly now, We will plan a further maintenance shortly to bring the link back into service. In the mean time there is no reduction to service – but there is a slight reduction in resilience to our Manchester PoP

OUTAGE: Network drop 31/1/18

During planned work deemed low risk by a supplier they managed to inject a loop into one of our links. This caused a significant level of packet loss into our network at approx 22:50 on 31st January.
The link was removed from use and service was resumed albeit with reduced resilience.  The issue has been reported to the carrier who have identified a potential problem and resolved this.

UPS & Generator Maintenance – Avro Court

Our specialist contractors will be working on the Generator and UPS at Avro court late this afternoon for the regular maintenance. This is part of our plan to ensure that the best service is available to customers.

While this work should not have any affect on our services there is a reduction of resilience during the work and there are engineers working on them so there is a very low risk of this affecting our services.

We will update this post once the work completes


COMPLETED: possible ADSL/FTTC outages: THE maintenance 25/11/17

UPDATE: This work is completed

UPDATE: this should have read THE, apologies.

We are planning a UPS replacement in our data centre in THE following recent problems caused by it, as the rack appears to be at risk of a power loss whenever we work near it. We have a replacement and we plan to swap to that and then investigate at a later date the cause of the issue on the current UPS.

This will mean a brief downtime of some hardware in the rack.  Currently only ADSL/FTTC lines will be customer affecting there, which should just drop and then auto connect at another of our POPS. This will happen during the course of Saturday evening.

If after this work is completed and a router reboot, you’re still unable to connect, please contact support in the usual way.