May 15, 2008 | Planned Work
Further from the recent router issues we have determined that this is caused by a memory issue on the router hardware. We have now sourced replacement RAM and we will have engineers on site on Friday to replace this. The router itself way be down for 10-15 minutes but most if not all traffic should work round this and there should be little if any noticeable issues
Apr 16, 2008 | Planned Work
We are planning a small number of server moves this weekend as we continue to move servers to our new data centre. No core connectivity servers will be affected, however some client email servers may be unavailable for a time.
We are also moving a number of ‘private co-lo servers’ but in all cases we have contacted the owners directly.
if there are any issues email support or call us on 0845 330 0666
Apr 16, 2008 | Planned Work
We will have engineers working in some of our racks over the next couple of days getting some of our new fibre links installed and configured. This work should NOT have any impact on service but with any work of this kind there is always a small element of risk.
We will update this ticket once the work is complete