Apr 7, 2015 | Information, Outages, Planned Work
There may be a brief (max. 15 minute) loss of connectivity to servers & services hosted at Avro Court on this date as one of our back-haul providers (Virgin Media) upgrades their connections in London and locally. This work is scheduled for the early hours of the morning on 22nd and we will be monitoring this at all the way through the maintenance window to ensure that this completes successfully and that there are no residual issues.
We have been told that this work will occur between 1am & before 6am.
From monitoring previous such work we expect our network resilience to mean that there will be no loss of connectivity — we have flagged this as a possible “at risk” however.
Mar 12, 2015 | Outages
We have just seen a short outage with routing within our Network – primarily to our Avro Court Data Centre.
This seems to have been caused by one of the core links flapping between Telehouse and Huntingdon. The link appears to have stabilised and we are monitoring for any ongoing issue here.
We are also liaising with one of our fibre providers to see if they are aware of the issue
Mar 9, 2015 | Outages, Planned Work
We are upgrading & replacing one of our resilient core Cisco routers in Telehouse late on Friday night.
Whilst we do not expect any down-time on any of our circuits related to this work, you should be aware that there may be temporary routing issues for a period up to an hour, whilst this is being completed.
Feb 18, 2015 | Information, Outages, Planned Work
From midnight until 6am on the morning of 20th, one of our back-haul suppliers is undertaking an equipment upgrade on one of our circuits located in Telehouse. We don’t envisage any impact on our network, this is for information only.
Dec 18, 2014 | Outages, Unplanned downtime
UPDATE: the fault has been isolated and fixed. Any customer facing services affected should now be back to normal.
We’ve a hardware issue that is affecting some hosted WP sites and may impact other sites also hosted on the same server. No time-to-fix information as yet; we’ll update this post as more information becomes available.
Nov 21, 2014 | Outages
One of our ADSL gateways crashed this morning – it recovered within a matter of seconds but this caused some sessions with ourselves to drop, Connections should have re-established immediately.
We believe this is now stable but we are monitoring the situation
We have passed the crash report to the manufacturer – and have planned an upgrade over the weekend to bring them to the latest firmware release. We will announce this work shortly