At Risk Telecity HEX POP 01/11/2011 [completed]

We have identified a battery issue with a UPS at this site. A third party engineer will therefore be replacing all batteries in this unit tomorrow.

This maintenance is not likely to cause any outage or issue however the site should be considered ‘at risk’ thought the works

Thios work has now been completed and the UPS is now fully working

Leeds 21C POP EMERGENCY WBMC PW177211 – 28/10/2011

This may affect some customers but the router should re-connect and authenticate after the work is completed:

This Pew PW177211 is an emergency pew that will affect WMBC shared end users who are connected to the Leeds 21c POP.

The impact will be that end users at Leeds will experience down time between 02:00 and up to 06:00 .

The CP’s whose end users are on this site will see authentication requests but the end users will be unable to connect to their WBMC shared CP.

Planned works midnight 19th Oct to 6AM that morning

During this engineering window LINX (a major UK connection point used by numerous ISPs) are upgrading their routers at Telehouse North. This may lead to periods of routing issues overnight as various ISPs including us are moved between the old and the new hardware. This might also mean that some sites are unavailable or slow for short periods of time at various times during this period. If you are still seeing problems after this time please log a support call or ticket in the normal manner.

[Completed] UPS service work


The maintenance work was undertaken with no issues.


We apologise for the lack of notice.

The main UPS is being serviced today. We expect no down-time or service issues.

COMPLETED: – shared hosting server downtime 18th Aug

[UPDATE] The server move was completed successfully. We believe that all sites are functioning correctly. However, if you think your site has a problem, please email in the normal manner.

[PLANNED WORK] We are seeing a sudden large number of hard drive errors indicating a possible near-term failure on this server which hosts a small number of shared websites. To ensure that this doesn’t cause problems later, we have decided to move this server to a new VM after normal business hours today unless the error rate increases and we need to move more quickly. Down-time of no more than an hour should be expected. We apologise for the short-notice.

Planned maintenance work on transit links 24th August

We have been advised by one of our transit providers that there may be a brief period of instability on some routes between HEX and Manchester early in the morning of 24th August. There should be no loss of service.

Date and Time of Maintenance: 24/08/2011 00:15 – 03:00

Ticket Ref: 120581
Description: Edge-IX Peering LAN Migration
Services Affected: Edge-IX Service

Justification: Expansion of the Edge-IX Peering LAN

Impact: Due to the nature of this work, you may experience a very short disruption in your service during the specified window.