Christmas & New Year arrangements 2015

Please note that the offices in Huntingdon will be closed between 5pm 23rd Dec and 9am January 5th 2016.

Over this period, urgent telephone support calls will still be answered when calling 0845 330 0666. Email support tickets will be handled intermittently, so if the need is urgent, please call the support line who will escalate if appropriate under the SLA.

Our supplier portals will also be “frozen” so we won’t be processing any new orders during this period.

We wish you all a restful & happy Christmas and New Year.

[CLEARED] Speed & traffic issues across the Merula broadband network

Yesterday was Patch Tuesday from Microsoft. In addition, last night Apple released large updates to both iOS and OS X. As a consequence, all supplier back-haul networks (BT, TalkTalk, Vodafone etc) are seeing a dramatic spike in traffic across their links which is impacting our own services to our customers – those of you on ADSL/FTTC type circuits.

We apologise for this but this traffic should slowly die away over the course of the day so download speeds will start to see improvements.

Please bear with us. If you’re still seeing speed problems tonight/tomorrow, then raise a support ticket in the usual manner.

At risk: Electrical supply Avro Court 26th Nov [Completed]

COMPLETED: All Work was completed during the evening on 26th November and the Data Centre now has full access to both Mains Power, Generator Power and the UPS. There was no outage to hosted servers during the work.

UPDATE: we will have engineers on site on Thursday 26th, to replace parts in our automatic transfer panel. Most of the work will not be service affecting, however there will be a short period where the data centre will be supplied by UPS alone. While we don’t anticipate any disruption, the power to our racks should be considered at risk during this period. All “at risk” work will be carried out outside core business hours and we will have staff and external electricians on site as needed to monitor/resolve any issues found.

UPDATE: the engineers are about to isolate the mains supply and generator and move us over to UPS power. This has been tested to support the data centre for at least 30 minutes but for the period of down-time, we are at risk.

We are aware of an issue with our changeover panel here and an engineer is en-route to work on this.

If the panel needs to go off-line then resilience will be reduced for a short period but the generator and UPS are still available and have just been fully tested as part of our normal weekly maintenance regime and will cut in automatically. As a reminder, the generator has fuel for at least 24-hours of continuous running.

Once the panel issue has been resolved, we’ll update this post.

[CLEAR] Telehouse North router maintenance 13th Nov, from 10pm onwards

[UDATE] All work completed to plan.

We plan on making some further changes to a couple of our core network routers to isolate and correct a service setting that is causing a few BGP issues.

This may mean a few blips in routing tables as the changes are disseminated and an occasional up-tick in latency as routes converge and stabilise but we expect no downtime or any significant service issues.

If this planning changes, we will update this ticket

INFORMATION: network configuration changes 6th Nov.

Following the outage today, we are during the course of tonight, commencing at around 10pm, making some changes to the core network routing to bring further stability & resilience online. This may mean a few blips in routing tables as the changes are disseminated and an occasional up-tick in latency as routes converge and stabilise but we expect no downtime or any significant service issues.

RESOLVED: Outage affecting some Merula services inc. ADSL

15:15  The problem has been traced to one of our core routers which ‘hung’ without (as it should have) notifying the automatic monitoring system of problems. This in turn affected routing for some customers connected to our Telehouse data centre. Some other important switches and routers were also impacted as they were unable to see that this router was down and also failed silently.

We have now restored service to the router and are monitoring for any further issues.

This should not have happened but despite our planning it did and we can only apologise for this; we are working on reconfiguring the core layout very shortly to make sure that this can’t cause such cascading problems for our customers again.

13.30 — we believe that we have resolved these service issues. That said, we are monitoring still and looking for the root cause. Again our apologies for this loss of service and updates will continue to be posted here once we’ve had a chance to check logs etc.

UPDATE: we’re working with our link team as this is mainly affecting services out of our London data centres.  Apologies for this extended down-time, we’re all working on this problem and will update here as we know more detail.

We’re aware of and are investigating the cause of outages affecting a number of services inc. some leased lines, ethernet circuits and broadband lines. As soon as we know the root cause & likely time to fix, we’ll update there.

WARNING: fake domain registration emails

Attention: Phishing emails are circulating.

Currently, waves of forged emails are being sent to customers of several registrars, including Merula.

The subject of these emails is ‘Domain Suspension Notice’; the faked sender is shown as ‘abuse@xyzdomain’.

These emails are fakes – please ignore and delete them and do not click on any included link.

In case you have any doubts regarding emails regarding your domains, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with support in the usual ways.

[UPDATED]: Planned maintenance works on one of our transit links, London 25th/26th Nov

UPDATE: the supplier has confirmed the new date, with timings unchanged for this work.

This should not affect any services or connectivity. There may be a brief transient period when routes flap until the routing tables converge again.

Start of maintenance: 25/11/2015 – 00:00 GMT
End of maintenance: 26/11/2015 – 04:00 GMT
Duration of work: Up to 30 minutes during the window

Classification of works: Standard
Description of works: Essential Third Party maintenance

Broadband session drops

We’ve seen some sessions drop (on ADSL and FTTC/FTTP connections|) following an unexpected port reboot on one of our main switches here.

Most sessions have automatically re-connected but if your line is failing to come back as expected, it may have a stale session which needs to be cleared down. To do this, please power-down your router for 15/20 minutes and then attempt to re-connect.

This should bring you back on-line but please raise a fault with support here in the normal manner if you’re then still having problems.

Possible outage affecting a small number of C20 lines

We are aware of a problem with authentication to our Radius servers in the last 20 minutes that is affecting ONLY circuits delivered as from C20 exchanges — we are working on this now and expect a resolution shortly.

It’s only affecting those lines that have dropped earlier or had been switched off and are now trying to connect (“authenticate”) and not on lines currently logged in all of which should carry on working normally; so is only a problem for a small part of the ADSL estate in Merula.