Network ‘Blip’ 12/03 12:10 am

We have just seen a short outage with routing within our Network – primarily to our Avro Court Data Centre.

This seems to have been caused by one of the core links flapping between Telehouse and Huntingdon. The link appears to have stabilised and we are monitoring for any ongoing issue here.

We are also liaising with one of our fibre providers to see if they are aware of the issue

Core router swap-out Due: 13th March 2015 Time: 10pm onwards

We are upgrading & replacing one of our resilient core Cisco routers in Telehouse late on Friday night.

Whilst we do not expect any down-time on any of our circuits related to this work, you should be aware that there may be temporary routing issues for a period up to an hour, whilst this is being completed.

UPDATE: delayed At Risk – Generator Test / Service 21/01/2015

This test has now been delayed until 21st.

During the day of 12th January 2015 we are having a full service on our generator including a load bank test which will stress test our generator and ‘prove’ it is fully working and able to take the load from our data centre. This will not affect the ‘normal’ usage in our data centre.

However at times during the work this will mean the generator is not able to take the load IF a power issue occurs. We do still have our on site generator and we are not anticipating any issues – however as there is a small risk we are publishing this in advance.

We will update this post once the work is complete

Aircon – Avro Court [resolved]

We have been alerted to a possible issue with the main air conditioning unit at Avro Court. It is showing a ‘non critical alarm’.

This is currently NOT affecting the temperature of the data centre at all and we have an engineer en route.

We do not expect this to have any impact however there is obviously a risk if this situation changes – or if any remedial work is needed

The engineers attended and checked the air con and could find no fault – it is now back fully in service BUT being closely monitored

UPDATE: [completed] Battery Replacement – HEX UPS 6/01/15

UPDATE: this work has been successfully completed.

Our UPS at Harbour Exchange Square (HEX) in London is showing a battery fault and we have replacements on the way.

NOTE this UPS is in addition to the Data Centres own UPS and generator.

Subject to the arrival of the new batteries we are planning to replace the battery pack in the evening on Tuesday 6th January. This should not cause an outage as tney are designed to be swapped while the unit remains on.

However with all work on this kind there is a small risk.

We will update this post as the work progresses. Any questions please contact support in the normal way.

Advisory only: ADSL connections [resolved]

Currently BT are investigating a fault on one of the resilient pair back-haul lines used for ADSL bandwidth. This isn’t (and won’t) affecting customer lines in anyway. However, any change to this situation that may then affect connections will be posted here and we will also post here to advise when this line is fixed.

BT have been working on the faulty link overnight and this now appears to be working. We are awaiting the final ‘all clear’ but the issue seems to be resolved

Christmas/New Year arrangements

Please note that the offices in Huntingdon will be closed between midday 24th Dec and 9am January 2nd 2015

Over this period, urgent telephone support calls will still be answered when calling 0845 330 0666. Email support tickets will be handled intermittently, so if the need is urgent, please call the support line who will escalate if appropriate.

We wish you all a restful & happy Christmas and New Year.

Issues with virtual server & hosted sites

UPDATE: the fault has been isolated and fixed. Any customer facing services affected should now be back to normal.

We’ve a hardware issue that is affecting some hosted WP sites and may impact other sites also hosted on the same server. No time-to-fix information as yet; we’ll update this post as more information becomes available.

ADSL Drops this morning

One of our ADSL gateways crashed this morning – it recovered within a matter of seconds but this caused some sessions with ourselves to drop, Connections should have re-established immediately.

We believe this is now stable but we are monitoring the situation

We have passed the crash report to the manufacturer – and have planned an upgrade over the weekend to bring them to the latest firmware release. We will announce this work shortly