UPS Maintenance 28/10/2014 [completed]

Third Party Maintenance engineers will be performing a scheduled maintenance / test of our UPS System in Huntingdon Tuesday afternoon from 5pm onwards.

This should cause no issues at all (and they have investigated fully the issues last time – including performing these works out of hours.

As with all activities there is a small risk, however we will remain on site while this works proceed and will update this post as the work progresses

This work was completed without incident



Huntingdon Network Maintenance 2nd October / 3rd October 2014

We are planning to perform some network maintenance at our Huntingdon data centre on the evening of the 30th September and 1st October. The work will take place during the evening on these days and there may be short interruptions to *some* services.

The work is planned to upgrade the network capacity and re-arrange the network layout in our data centre to add resilience and to increase the available speed for services hosted here.

The outage on most servers will be 1 or 2 breaks no longer than 2-3 minutes.

Note this work was postponed and will hopefully take place overnight tonight

Core Link Congestion 25/09/2014 [ resolved]

Our Primary link between London and Manchester has been down during some of the day due to a issue with one of our fibre suppliers. They are working on restoring service asap.

We do have resilient links in place so there is no full outage here – however these may be some slight congestion / lag on traffic between London and Manchester (and some traffic to Huntingdon) as the remaining links are at a higher load than normal

This issue has now been resolved

Some Internet Connections are slow [resolved]

We are seeing an issue that is affecting some internet connections to be very slow / unusable.

We have raised a case with our supplier and they have reported that this seems to be the result of failed planned works overnight on one of the RAS units on their network.

This is being worked on now and we should have an update very shortly

Our supplier has now resolved an issue following a failed upgrade on the router overnight. If you are still seeing any issues please report them to Support in the normal way

Generator works 27/06/14

Following an issue located during testing today there will be some work carried out to resolve a water leak on our generator.

An inspection will take place approx 8:30am Friday and once the leak has been localised a plan of action will be made to resolve the issue.

This work will not affect power to the data centre however there may be short periods where the generator in unable to take the load.

Planned work 12/06/14 [ completed]

We have been advised that one of our suppliers will be performing some work on one of the links between London and Avro court leading to a 30 minutes outage on that link. As there are three diverse links to Avro Court this should not cause any outage here, but may lead to a small disturbance as the network falls over to the resilient paths.

The orks are planned between 00:01 and 06:00 on the 12th June

This work is now completed

Network changes 3/6/2014

One of our transit Providers will be making a small change to their connection in the early hours of 3rd June. We have multiple Transit providers so this *should* have no impact on our service as traffic will be moved gracefully away from this provider before the work happens and then switched back as soon as the work is complete.

We will update this post as the work completes

This work is completed

UPS Manintanance – Huntingdon [29/05/2014] Completed

Our UPS at the Huntingdon  Data Centre will be having it’s planned maintenance on 29/05/2014. This is to test and ensure it is performing as it should.

This should have no impact on customers BUT it will involve some test periods on UPS loads and there may be some short periods where the building is running on raw mains rather than on the UPS feed.

With any work on on near the UPS there is a small risk of a problem to services in Huntingdon – However this is very very low.

This work is completed. Unfortunately the engineer tripped one phase of the power during the work. All power is back – we are just checking all servers have returned to service

Network Change 28/05/2014 [completed]

We will be making two very small network changes today. Neither *should* cause any issues BUT may cause some very short blips

1) We are moving the switch that one of our London to Manchester links is connected to. There are redundant paths BUT you may see a blip for ~1 minute while this link moves as traffic moves to alternative paths

2) Later this evening we will be re-enabling a redundant link in London. This should not have any impact BUT again there is a small risk of a blip as the network re-converges. IF we see any issues we will simply disable the link.

The first change (as it is low risk) will be performed by engineers at the data centre some point today. The second change will happen this evening.

This work is completed – all resilient links are now working in London and you should see a improvement on service and speed from this work. We *may* be some network balancing across the links but we will review this and announce this at a later date

Planned Work HEX – 13/05/2014 [Completed]

We will be performing some planned works in our Harbour Exchange Data Centre during the evening of Tuesday 13th May.

The work will involve replacing one of our core routers with two new routers and the upgrade on one of the switches in the Rack.

We have already moved traffic away from the router in question so the router change should have no impact. As the switch is replaced there may be some brief interruptions to some services in Avro Court as one of the links is via the switch being upgraded. We hope that any outage will be a matter of minutes as cables are patched to the new switch.

We plan to bring the new router into service overnight if possible – if not this will happen at some point on Wednesday

This work was completed in the early hours of 14/05