Rack Issue – Huntingdon 16/4/2020 [update]

There appears to have lost power and/or  a switch failure in a single rack in our Huntingdon Data Centre. This dropped approx 2am this morning. This rack houses a small number of Merula and customer servers

We are aware and will investigate and resolve this asap. We are planning to be on site approx 7am and will resolve this issue then

We apologise for any issues this may cause and will update this as soon as we have more details


[update 8:15am]

The issue appears to be related to the switch in the rack – after being offline for approx 90 minutes the switch came back up and connectivity was restored to most servers in the rack. However we are seeing issues with connectivity via a couple of servers in this rack. We have therefore taken the decision to manually reboot the switch to see if this restores service given that the servers themselves look OK and have not rebooted. This will unfortunately result in a loss of connectivity to all services in this rack for a couple of minutes. We will update this as we know more

[Update 8:53]

The switch was rebooted – and the latest saved config has been re-applied. This we believe has restored service to the services we are aware of that had an issue. We are continuing to check for anything else with an issue and are investigating the cause of the switch outage further. We may have to schedule a swap out of the switch if we cannot locate an obvious issue here. However we believe that currently all services in Huntingdon should now be restored. Please do email support if you continue to see any issues


[Update 9:20]

This affected switch appears to have failed again. We will now start swapping this out for a replacement switch. We will have an update within the next 45 minutes

[Update 11:30AM]

The switch was replaced and we believe all services have recovered. We are checking for any remaining issues. If you are are seeing any issues please do raise them with support@merula.net. We will update this further later in the day or if we locate any remaining issues

Router Upgrade/Reboot 11/04/2020 [completed]

Our core Juniper Router in Harbour Exchange Square has been showing a very low level of alerts and a higher than normal CPU load. This is not service affecting currently.

In order to attempt to clear this we will upgrade the Juniper firmware and reboot it late Saturday evening. This should take no longer than 30 minutes. Most services are dual homes. However a small number of services are directly connected to this router – these will suffer an outage during the reboot.

You may also see ‘different’ routing to some locations during this time as well.

We will update this post as the work progresses


This work is now completed with no issues – the firmware upgrade appears to have resolved the issue. We are monitoring overnight

Phishing Email / Text

We have seen a number of email and text messages in a format similar to the below

These messages are not genuine and you should not click on the link – or send any details if you receive these

We have (we believe) blocked this site being reached from the Merula Network – but you may still be able to reach these if you are connected via your phone etc.

We would strongly advise customers to be wary of clicking on any link they are not 100% certain is genuine



UPDATE: Network outage 3rd Feb 2020 [resolved]

4th Feb: the supplier network resolved all oustabnding issues on this extended outage. Apologies again to anyone affected.

10.35AM UPDATE: this problem which affects a large number of FTTx lines is still being worked on by Openreach engineers. Latest estimate for the work to be completed is 18.30 tonight. We’ll continue to update here as and when we hear anymore news.


We are aware that one of our suppliers has a major service outage. The supplier engineers have no ETA to fix as yet. We will; update as we hear more. This will affect ADSL & FTTC lines. Our apologies for this outage.


Line affected:

Start: 03/02/2020 04:15 Next update / Cleared: 03/02/2020 09:30 (estimated)
Raised: 03/02/2020 04:15 Cleared Reason: N/A
Incident Headline: Service affecting outage – Loss of Service
Incident Details: Our supplier engineers are working on the fault.
Area Codes: 01131 01132 01133 01138 01162 01173 01179 01212 01213 01214 01215 01216 01217 01223 01226 01246 01257 01274 01275 01311 01312 01313 01314 01315 01316 01317 01332 01422 01442 01446 01454 01480 01509 01773 01827 01908 01923 01926 01942 01954 02010 02032 02033 02081 02082 02083 02084 02085 02086 02087 02089 02476 02911 02920 02921 02922


Broadband Issues – 14/1/2020 [Updated]

We have detected a drop in a lot of broadband sessions from one of our upstream wholesale suppliers. We have raised this as a case and will update you as soon as possible. Both of our interconnects are only allowing a small number of live sessions so we believe this issue is on their network.

If you session has sync but will not connect this is probably the issue – we will update this case witin 30 minutes if not before

We apologise for the issue at this time

[update 8:30]

We are now seeing sessions return – we do not have an update from the supplier as yet and are following up for a formal update. As soon as we have some news we will update further


Caching Name Server issue [resolved]

We are seeing an issue with one of our caching name servers in London which may be causing slow access to some websites etc. The second name server is up and running and working fine. We are investigating the cause of this issue and will update this post shortly

We are sorry for any issues here

[update] Thos issue should now be resolved. If you are seeing any issues please call or email support as normal

Switch Reboot – London Harbour Exchange Square

One of our core switches in Harbour Exchange Square had a routing issue about 14:20 today – after our team checked the switch it was decided the fastest resolution was to perform a routing engine switchover. We would normally plan this out of hours – However as this was causing issues to customers the decision was taken to perform this immediately.

This affected all services directly connected or routed through this switch

The switch reboot has now completed and service should be restored to all locations and services.

If there is still an ongoing issue for any services please report them to support in the normal way

We apologise for the issues this may have caused


OUTAGE: scheduled maintenance DSL overnight 10th April 2019

As part of our commitment to service improvement, we would like to inform you that we will be performing planned critical maintenance as part of capacity upgrades on our core network

Maintenance window start: Wednesday 10th April 2019 23:00 GMT

Maintenance window end: Thursday 11th April 2019 06:00 GMT

Expected impact duration: The work will impact some of our DSL subscriber customers, and they will see an intermittent service within the maintenance, with a short period of down time. Service should be restored automatically but it may require a router re-boot. If after this action, service hasn’t been restored, please raise a support case in the normal manner.

OUTAGE: scheduled maintenance broadband 16th/17th Feb 2019

We will be upgrading some of our core routers that terminate broadband sessions during the course of the weekend – each will be down for less than 30 seconds for an important firmware upgrade. These will be staggered over the two days. Most affected customers will reconnect within seconds automatically. If you have any issues, please reboot your router and if that fails for any reason, please call into or email support in the normal way. This will only affect ADSL, FTTC & FTTP lines.  

OUTAGE: scheduled maintenance broadband 22/1/19

We will be upgrading some of our core routers that terminate broadband sessions later this evening – each will be down for less than 30 seconds for a firmware upgrade. These will be staggered over the evening. Most affected customers will reconnect within seconds automatically. if you have any issues please reboot your router and if that fails for any reason, please call into or email support in the normal way.

This only affects ADSL, FTTC & FTTP lines.
