Jan 12, 2009 | Planned Work
We are having planned maintenance on our backup generator at our Huntingdon Data Centre on 13th January 2009. While this should not affect any services as with anything there is a very small element of risk while this work is carried out.
Note that mains power will not be interrupted and our UPS systems are still in place though the maintenance
Dec 29, 2008 | Outages
We are aware of an issue affecting some ADSL users between approx 5am and 8an this morning. It appears that a change at BT means that while users were onencted we could not route traffic to them. We have made a few changes here and all appears OK.
If you are still having a problem please try rebooting your router and if that fails turn the router off for 30 minutes and try again since you may need to clear a ‘stale session’.
If this fails please contact support in the normal way and we will do our best to resolve the issue in your case. Apologies for any problems caused.
Dec 24, 2008 | Planned Work, Uncategorized
The Merula office has now closed for Christmas 2008. The office will re-open on 5th January 2009. During this time we will be monitoring the network and services 24/7. We will also monitor email and tickets raised however we will not guarantee as fast a response as normal. Our phone lines will be answered and messages passed on as need be.
We look forward to working with all our customers in 2009 and wish you all a Happy Christmas and New Year
Richard and the Merula Team
Dec 22, 2008 | Outages
Between approx 23:30 on 21/12 and 0:30 on the 22/12 there was a partial outage in our Sovereign House hosting facility. This affected servers hosted in the building (numbering about 4) and a few IP ranges hosted off of this router.
All ADSL and other hosted services were fine. the cause turned out to be a faulty PSU in one server (actually the one hosting this site…). Once we isolated the faulty server the rest of the rack came back – we then swapped th PSU on this server and all appears to be fine now.
If you are still seing any issues please let us know
Sep 25, 2008 | Outages
We are aware of an issue preventing access to some IP ranges on our network at this time. We are urgently investigating this and expect service to be back very shortly
Sep 10, 2008 | Outages
We are aware of a network issue today that limited connectivity to some servers and sites. While we have not identified the exact cause as yet we believe the problem is now cleared. We believe thius may have originated outside out network but we are investigating this as a matter of urgency
Aug 16, 2008 | Planned Work
We are aware that some users may have seen delays to emails over the last week or two. We have been investigating the cause and now have a plan of action to resolve these once and for all.
Earlier today we made a major change to the config on one of our AV /SPAM servers int he cluster here. Assuimg this is successful the same change will be rolled out to all remaining servers tomorrow and Monday and this should see an end to this issue.
We will update this post as soon as we have more details
Jul 9, 2008 | Planned Work
During some initial tests on our generator today in advane of the maintanance work on Friday engineers have found a suspect control board. This controls and monitors the generator and is not directly involved in the power feed to our racks.
As part of the work on Friday it is planned to replace this board and resolve the data issue currently being seen. This work should not cause any issues at all, but since this is working on live equiment there is always a risk of an unexpected issue.
We currently don’t have a time for this work to be completed but we will update here as soon as possible
Jul 4, 2008 | Planned Work
As part of the maintenance at our data centre in Huntington we will have engineers performing maintenance on one of our generators on the morning of July 11th. There should be no outage or problems related to this but it will reduce resilience while this takes place.
Jul 4, 2008 | Outages
Due to a huge increase in spam and a hardware failure on one of the mail scanning servers here we are aware that some email has been delayed over the last 24 hours. We now have all servers back up and running and an extra server will be live later this evening.
This issue has also made us bring forward an upgrade to the scanning engine – this has been in testing for a while bit is now live – this should also reduce the amount of spam received – and the accuracy will increase as time goes on.
if you are still seeing any issues please call or email and we will look into the issues as soon as possible