ADSL Maintanance

We are moving the switch that connects some ADSL to our network this evening. This is in preperation for some upgrades. This will cause a short outage. We anticipate this will be approxibately 7pm -8pm this evening with a 10-15 minute outage.

We will update this on completion

Various Server Upgrades

As part of our plan of improvements to the services we offer we are performing a range of upgrades to some of the shared servers here. The upgrades will take place over the next few days and *may* lead to a small period of downtime on some servers while live data is transferred.

We have tested all upgrades and do not anticipate any issues however if customers do see any issues please let us know via the normal support routes.

Server Upgrade – cfweb1

The above shared webserver will be available for a short while this evening to allow some essential upgrades. The sites will be moving to new hardware and we have tested most sites on the new server. The outage should not last more than an hour.

If there are any issues with sites after the upgrade please let us know via the normal support address.

UPDATE: This work is complete. If you are seeing any issues please contact support using your normal means

News Server

Our public facing news server is currently down due to an issue with one of the hard drives. Engineers are working on this and we hope to restore service as soo as possible. At this point we don’t have an eta for restoration of service.

We will update here as more information becomes available

Huntingdon Power Issue

We were made aware of an issue relating to servers at our Huntingdon Data Centre at around midnight Thursday night/Friday morning. After investigation it has become apparent that a Generator fault caused a incomplete switchover from mains to generator power resulting on the building running on UPS power until this exhausted approximately 40 minutes later.

Our engineer has attended site and initially brought most services back using generator power and after testing we have now reverted to mains power to the building. We now believe that all services are restored (most were back by about 1:30). We have raised a call with our generator service company to investigate urgently why all power was lost rather than a planned switchover occurring.

We apologise for any problems caused

Power Issue

There was an outage this morning for servers hosted in one of our racks. It appears the PSU of one machine failed and tripped the power feed to the rack itself. Engineers on site reset the power which brought up all servers apart from the rougue server. The Power supply in this server was replaced and the machine now appears fine. We are now checking all other serers and services but so far all appears fine. The outage was from appros 5:10am until 6:15am

ADSL issue

Some ADSL users (those with an ‘@adsl’ login) may have seen an issue for just over 30 minutes a while back. This was traced to a routing issue on the BT border router. BT investigated and rebooted this router and all now appears fine. We are monitoring the network for stability – initial signs seem good.


Sorry for any problems caused

Hosted Servers

We are aware of an issue that affected some hosted servers this evening. This appears to have been caused by a faulty network switch. The switch has been replaced and service on all affected machines is now restored.

We will monitor this for stability but we believe the issue is now resolved. We apologise for any issues caused.

Outage Manchester to London

One of our resilient links between manchester and London. The issue was causing some instability to our network and the affected link has been taken out of service while the fault is fixed. While this means that some services at Manchester may be seen as ‘at risk’ the remainder of our network is now stable.

The faulty link will be re-enabled as soon as we have an assurance that the issue is fully resolved. Our apologies for the problems this caused – we are working on ensuring that a similar issue can not cause any further network instability.

Planned work – ADSL Platform

We will be performing some planned work on our ADSL platform on 14/01/2009 at 10am. This is a minor configuration change that should not have any affect on users connected. Please note that you may see a brief connection drop although that is not planned at this time.

This will only affect users who log in with a ‘@dsl’ login to our network.

Any problems please let support know in the normal way